Rain Man

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Podcast Release Date:
May 15, 2020

Tom Cruise ’80s Movie Star Series Episode 7

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Tom Cruise proves to be an excellent driver in Rain Man, navigating a classic tale of estranged brothers on a cross-country road trip that ended with co-star Dustin Hoffman bringing home his second Oscar. Who better to teach an autistic savant how to dress, dance, and turn his toothpick-counting skills into a profitable (though risky) business venture than the flashiest movie icon of the ‘80s?  Find out if revisiting this beloved Best Picture Winner gets Stuart, Arnie, and Jakob into any hot water when you Donate for Now Playing’s Tom Cruise Retrospective.

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Movie Details

Tom Cruise '80s Star
Barry Levinson
2 h 14 min
Release Date
11 December 1988
Selfish yuppie Charlie Babbitt's father left a fortune to his savant brother Raymond and a pittance to Charlie; they travel cross-country.

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