Support Now Playing Podcast

Since 2007 Now Playing Podcast has been bringing you free, in-depth movie reviews.

Since January, 2011 a new, free review has been released every single week with no breaks.

All that content takes a large team of people, and the shows that we make free for you to hear are not free for us to make.  In order to retain our independence, we have no sponsors and we play no ads. We are a 100% crowdfunded podcast. We rely on listeners like you to enable Now Playing to continue releasing episodes at the pace and of the quality you expect.

Our Current Bonus Reviews:

 New Retrospectives for Winter 2023/Spring 2024

Returning series with new installments coming out


Donate now for the Summer/Fall 2024 donation drive podcast, or read on for other methods to hear all these shows!


Become a Patron for $10/mo.

The key level of support is our Patron program. These supporters get access to over 50 exclusive reviews, available only to Patrons. At least one new, bonus podcast is added every month!

Movies reviewed in these bonus podcasts include Apocalypse Now, Taxi Driver, Badlands, Con Air, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Big, Real Genius and dozens more!

You can sign up and get these podcasts on:


Apple Podcasts





Other Levels of Patronage

Do you want to get early releases of Now Playing? Unedited podcast reviews? Listen to shows live? Join Skype calls with our hosts?  Would you like some exclusive Now Playing SWAG, or access to our full archive of over 450 donation bonus podcasts?

You can support us at a higher level through Patreon or Podbean and get access to those rewards and more! (Plus, of course, you get the full library of Patron exclusive podcasts). You can even pick a movie for us to review, and join us on the podcast!

And Patreon offers loyalty rewards, including exclusive mini-prints, coffee mugs, and T-Shirts–at no extra donation to you!

Sign up now:





Biannual Donation Drives

Want to just make a single pledge instead of a monthly one? Twice a year we run donation drives where you make a one-time donation directly to us via PayPal.  (These donations are processed by hand so it can take up to two business days to get the email with information how to get your bonus podcasts).

In exchange, you get bundles of “Thank You” podcasts.  The more you pledge, the more bonus podcasts you get.

The bundles change each Spring and Fall.

These podcasts are also available through Podbean and Patreon’s higher levels, whereas the donation drives don’t get you the monthly Patron-exclusive shows.

See our current Summer/Fall 2024 donation drive.



Individual Episode Donation

You can also get donation episodes one-off a’la carte.  This option is only available through our Patreon digital shop, but this is a one-time donation and not a recurring payment. (This is for donation drive episodes only; the Patron exclusive podcasts are not available individually).

See a list of all available bonus donation episodes.


In Summary

No matter how you choose to support us, either for a couple bucks for a single bonus episode or with a monthly pledge, we are eternally grateful for your support.

If you want a quick reference as to which donation option offers which perks, check out the chart below. If you still have questions, please email us at