Open Water

Scream all you want.

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Podcast Release Date:
Jun 16, 2023

“Fish gotta eat too”

Brock, Stuart, and Arnie are getting back into the Open Water this summer to see if the past two decades of shark entertainment has produced another classic like Jaws. Their first catch is a micro budget indie that became the surprise box office hit of 2004. Raw digital video captures what happens when a tour boat accidentally leaves two scuba divers behind in an ocean teaming with dangerous aquatic life. Do amateur filmmakers transcend budgetary limitations by having real, untrained reef sharks circle their actors? Donate for Gold Level and set sail for fun!

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Movie Details

Individual Movie Reviews
Chris Kentis
1 h 19 min
Release Date
26 October 2003
Drama, Thriller, Horror
Two divers are left out at sea without a boat. There’s nothing but water for miles, unless they look at what’s underneath them...

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