Day of the Dead: Bloodline

Join the undying war.

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Podcast Release Date:
Feb 23, 2018

Living Dead Series Episode 10

 You just keep on pushin’ my love over the bloodline.

A new Day has come!  The third installment of George Romero’s Living Dead saga rises from the grave once more (despite Arnie, Jakob, and Stuart repeatedly shooting the hyper 2008 Day of the Dead remake in the head). Official reboot Bloodline finds a virginal med student (Sophie Skelton) stalked inside an underground military bunker by a lustful zombie (Johnathon Schaech) who holds the key to an undead vaccine.  Will her #MeToo moment result in a medical miracle, or merely leave a rotten taste in your mouth?  Donate today and find out!

Explicit: This is an uncensored podcast which may contain strong language and adult content that is not appropriate for all ages.

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Movie Details

Night of the Living Dead
Hèctor Hernández Vicens
1 h 30 min
Release Date
29 December 2017
Action, Horror
In a world overrun by zombies, military personnel and survivalists live in an underground bunker while they seek a cure.

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