47 Meters Down

No way out. No way up. No chance in hell.

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Podcast Release Date:
Jul 21, 2023

47 Meters Down Series Episode 1

Two Girls, One Cup 

Pop star Mandy Moore (Tangled) and her sister Claire Holt (Vampire Diaries) see their Mexican vacation going south after they ride a breakaway shark cage 47 Meters Down to the ocean floor.  Should they swim for the surface, and risk getting the bends or being eaten by circling, bloodthirsty Great Whites?  Or is it wiser to trust Full Metal Jacket joker Matthew Modine to organize a Coast Guard rescue before they run out of air?  Find out if this 2017 sleeper hit advances the genre or is just another drop in the bucket when you Donate for Gold Level today!

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Movie Details

47 Meters Down
Johannes Roberts
1 h 29 min
Release Date
25 May 2017
Horror, Thriller, Adventure
Two sisters on Mexican vacation are trapped in a shark observation cage at the bottom of the ocean, with oxygen running low and great whites circling nearby, they have less than an hour of air left to figure out how to get to the surface.

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