April 4, 2016

Marvel Madness Final 4 – Captain America vs Thor

Marvel Madness Final 4 – Captain America vs Thor



HVhSwThor, God of Thunder, has hammered through victory after victory, earning his spot in the Marvel Madness Final Four! He splintered Groot in the first round. His hammer bested Gamora’s blade in the Sweet Sixteen. He even proved more worthy than Vision, defeating the android in the Elite Eight.  Can Thor fly fast enough to take it all?

He’s facing daring competition in this round–Captain America! Daredevil proved no match against the Star Spangled Avenger, and Jessica Jones fared little better. Even when up against Spider-Man in the Elite Eight, The First Avenger won.

Who makes it into the finals, and who goes home battered and bruised?  You decide so vote now!



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Comments 1

  1. sir_greek

    captain america will, when thor is beating him down, will be able to lift thors hammer and overcome the god of thunder. thor will become unworthy. WHY WONT ANYONE LISTEN TO ME ABOUT THIS!?!? mark my words this will happen in the movies and thor will become hammerless again.

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