September 8, 2023

If You Liked That, You’ll Love This: Legally Blonde (2001)

Just like the “Because You Watched…” lane that pops up on your favorite streaming service, Now Playing Podcast wants to help you find the perfect companion flicks. Each week, contributor Chris Bravo brings you fresh recommends that tie in with one of our reviews.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law was a divisive show. People either loved the freshness and uniqueness of the character, or they loathed the derision seemingly aimed at audiences and fandoms. But what I think all audiences can admit is that She-Hulk contained strong feminist messages that depicted a woman facing adversity in a male-dominated environment and overcoming those odds while discovering a thing or two about herself, too.

Do you know what other movie had similar messages while delivering some courtroom drama? Legally Blonde (2001) is arguably Reese Witherspoon’s most memorable role. And for good reason, right? Say what you will about the turn-of-the-millennium pastiche–the bright pinks that mimic the pop girls of the time, the Clueless-inspired lingo, the one-dimensional supporting cast of cliches and stereotypes. But Clueless embraces it with full enthusiasm and gusto. The Bend-and-Snap. The purse chihuahua. The Playboy Bunny costume. This film captured the essence of early 2001.

Legally Blonde has a legacy and reputation that precedes it. But it’s one that should be experienced first-hand, especially if you enjoyed She-Hulk. There are the obvious parallels of legal hijinks and female empowerment. But beyond that, Legally Blonde is the quintessential movie of its time, positioning blonde sorority girls as more than slasher victims and sex bombs. In a similar vein, She-Hulk attempted to capture the zeitgeist of 2022, arguably using Legally Blonde as its foundation. And if you enjoyed that attempt and thought She-Hulk succeeded, then you owe it to yourself to watch its predecessor: Legally Blonde.

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