The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Stop Dreaming, Start Living

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Movie Details

Patron Exclusives
Ben Stiller
1 h 54 min
Release Date
18 December 2013
Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
A timid magazine photo manager who lives life vicariously through daydreams embarks on a true-life adventure when a negative goes missing.
Podcast Release Date:
Apr 29, 2022

 Reality bites… but not as hard as sharks

Ben Stiller is best known as the pratfalling star of broad comedies like Meet The Parents, but his Secret Life ambition is to be an A-list director of Oscar bait like the 2013 Walter Mitty remake. Danny Kaye’s daydreamer of yesteryear is now a dweeb in the basement of Life Magazine, who locates his inner daredevil when he’s tasked with traveling the globe to find a misplaced photo negative. Don’t try to imagine how Stuart, Arnie, and Jakob will experience Stiller’s big artistic gambit. Take the leap of becoming a Now Playing Patron, and hear it all for yourself this April.


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