The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Life isn't measured in minutes, but in moments.

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Movie Details

Individual Movie Reviews
David Fincher
2 h 46 min
Release Date
25 December 2008
Drama, Fantasy, Romance
I was born under unusual circumstances. And so begins. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, adapted from the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who is unable to stop time. We follow his story, set in New Orleans, from the end of World War I in 1918 into the 21st century, following his journey that is as unusual as any man's life can be. Directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett with Taraji P. Henson, Tilda Swinton, Jason Flemyng, Elias Koteas and Julia Ormond, Benjamin Button, is a grand tale of a not-so-ordinary man and the people and places he discovers along the way, the loves he finds, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time.
Podcast Release Date:
Jan 26, 2009

Brock and Elisha have seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, starring Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Julia Ormond, Taraji P. Henson and Tilda Swinton. Listen to see if Benjamin Button will reward your curiosity or if it gets old before its time.

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