Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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Movie Details

Star Wars
Dave Filoni
1 h 38 min
Release Date
5 August 2008
Animation, Action, Science Fiction, Adventure
Set between Episode II and III, The Clone Wars is the first computer animated Star Wars film. Anakin and Obi Wan must find out who kidnapped Jabba the Hutt's son and return him safely. The Seperatists will try anything to stop them and ruin any chance of a diplomatic agreement between the Hutts and the Republic.
Podcast Release Date:
Aug 16, 2008

This was an early Now Playing review, shorter and spoiler-free. It was not intended to be part of our Star Wars Retrospective Series.

Begun the Clone Wars review has!

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is something unexpected — another Star Wars movie in theaters. An animated movie, this is an extended pilot for the new Clone Wars animated series coming this fall, but while the hard core fans will obviously see it, how is it for the more casual Star Wars observer? Star Wars non-fan Stuart looks at Clone Wars and tells us if the film will pay off for anyone who’s not already a devotee.

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