
Get ready for rush hour.

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Podcast Release Date:
Jul 02, 2024

Speed Series Episode 1

Uneasy Riders

Keanu Reeves has to keep the Speed of a Los Angeles city bus above 50 mph, or he’ll set off another bomb planted by madman Dennis Hopper in the surprise blockbuster of Summer 1994. Should passenger Sandra Bullock be trusted to take the wheel and avoid all the oncoming gridlock and freeway construction when she can’t keep her eyes off her hunky co-star?  And how did this modestly budgeted action flick become cinematographer Jan De Bont’s ticket to a big-time Hollywood directing career?  You pay no fare to hear the answers to this pop quiz now.


Movie Details

Jan de Bont
1 h 56 min
Release Date
9 June 1994
Action, Adventure, Crime
Jack Traven, an LAPD cop on SWAT detail, and veteran SWAT officer Harry Temple thwart an extortionist-bomber's scheme for a $3 million ransom. As they corner the bomber, he flees and detonates a bomb vest, seemingly killing himself. Weeks later, Jack witnesses a mass transit city bus explode and nearby a pay phone rings. On the phone is that same bomber looking for vengeance and the money he's owed. He gives a personal challenge to Jack: a bomb is rigged on another city bus - if it slows down below 50 mph, it will explode - bad enough any day, but a nightmare in LA traffic. And that's just the beginning...

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