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Podcast Release Date:
May 27, 2016

Sci-Fi Summer of 1986 Series Episode 3

In Space, no one can hear you camp!

They were never meant to go to space, but they weren’t given a choice. Five teens and an unproven astronaut find themselves alone, with no communications and little hope of returning home. But don’t count them out yet as these kids went to Space Camp! Did they learn what they needed to save themselves? And does this movie achieve liftoff, or crash on the launchpad?

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Movie Details

Sci-Fi Summer of 1986
Harry Winer
1 h 47 min
Release Date
6 June 1986
Family, Adventure, Science Fiction
Andie Bergstrom, an astronaut eagerly awaiting her first trip to space, runs a summer camp for teenagers with her NASA-employed husband, Zach. One night during an engine test, Andie and four teenage campers are accidentally shot into space. Together, the group -- which includes Kathryn, a pilot-in-training, and Tish, a ditz with a perfect memory -- must work together to operate the spacecraft and return home.

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