Sometimes They Come Back… Again

True evil never dies.

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Movie Details

Stephen King
Sometimes They Come Back
Adam Grossman
1 h 38 min
Release Date
3 September 1996
Jon Porter returns to his hometown after the sudden and bizarre death of his mother. He hopes to leave as soon as the funeral is over but it's too late. The sinister forces that caused his sister's brutal murder 30 years ago are back. Jon knows the nightmare can't continue. He must stand up to his fear and exorcise the demons who have risen again to take posession of his beautiful teenage daughter - body and soul.
Podcast Release Date:
Apr 22, 2014

Sometimes They Come Back Series Episode 2

What would we do, baby, with demons?

You can’t keep a good greaser down! In the 1950s Tony Reno and his gang died while trying to perform a human sacrifice, but now they’re back from the dead to complete their quest for immortality. But…if they’re back from the grave aren’t they already immortal? And what is two time Oscar winner Hillary Swank doing here? Listen to Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob, the hosts who always come back, to find out!

Explicit: This is an uncensored podcast which may contain strong language and adult content that is not appropriate for all ages.

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