RoboCop 3

«He's back to lay down the law»

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Podcast Release Date:
Jan 21, 2014

Robocop Series Episode 3

Do you have a micro neural barrier in your pocket, or are you just happy to hear us?

Clarence Boddicker couldn’t kill Officer Alex Murphy–the policeman rose again as the unstoppable Robocop. But what Boddicker started director Fred Dekker finished with Robocop 3. With a new man in the Robosuit, a robot ninja, and a jetpack, the third Robocop film was both a critical and box office failure that would end the original franchise, save for some television projects, and doom Murphy to 21 years of obsolescence. But can the film, written by comic cult icon Frank Miller, be as bad as its reputation? Listen to Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob’s review to find out!

Explicit: This is an uncensored podcast which may contain strong language and adult content that is not appropriate for all ages.

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Movie Details

Fred Dekker
1 h 44 min
Release Date
17 April 1993
Action, Adventure, Crime, Science Fiction, Thriller
The mega corporation Omni Consumer Products is still bent on creating their pet project, Delta City, to replace the rotting city of Detroit. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the area have no intention of abandoning their homes simply for desires of the company. To this end, OCP have decided to force them to leave by employing a ruthless mercenary army to attack and harass them. An underground resistance begins and in this fight, Robocop must decide where his loyalties lie.

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