Piranha II: The Spawning

It started as a vacation...

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Movie Details

Piranha Series
James Cameron
1 h 24 min
Release Date
14 August 1982
A scuba diving instructor, her biochemist boyfriend, and her police chief ex-husband try to link a series of bizarre deaths to a mutant strain of piranha fish whose lair is a sunken freighter ship off a Caribbean island resort.
Podcast Release Date:
Apr 07, 2023

Piranha Series Episode 2

The Abyss-mal

James Cameron made his first foray into deep sea filmmaking when he gave wings to Piranha Part 2. This time the killer fish are Spawning on the beaches of a Caribbean resort, and have been genetically modified to take to the skies and attack victims who think they’re safe on land. Can Lance Henriksen (Aliens) save his marriage and the mainland from a large-scale airborne attack? And should this sequel have sunk the Oscar-winning director’s career faster than the iceberg took out Titanic? Get a lesson in fly fishing when you Donate for Silver this Spring.

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