One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

If he's crazy, what does that make you?

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Movie Details

Patron Exclusives
Miloš Forman
2 h 13 min
Release Date
18 November 1975
While serving time for insanity at a state mental hospital, implacable rabble-rouser, Randle Patrick McMurphy, inspires his fellow patients to rebel against the authoritarian rule of head nurse, Mildred Ratched.
Podcast Release Date:
May 20, 2022

Wait Til They Get A Load Of Me!

Jack Nicholson cemented his reputation as the craziest leading man of his generation when he committed to playing a mental patient in the 1975 Best Picture winner One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.  Is his salty convict insane for thinking he can inspire fellow patients like Christopher Lloyd, Danny DeVito, and Brad Dourif to take charge of their lives?  Or will sadistic Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher) bring down the hammer on his rebel-rousing?  You have a front row seat to the World Series of podcasting when you become a May Now Playing Patron.
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