Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
The Last Superhero!
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Avengers – Some Assembly Required Series Episode 1
Hell hath no Fury like David Hasselhoff!
During the Cold War, only one man could protect America from the evil terrorist forces of HYDRA – Nick Fury, director of ! But the Berlin Wall fell, HYDRA’S leader Baron Wolfgang von Strucker was captured, and Fury was put out to pasture. Now, however, HYDRA is back and S.H.I.E.L.D. needs Fury, played by Baywatch star David Hasselhoff, to save the day. Made for TV in the 90s, Nick Fury’s first live-action depiction is now forgotten in the wake of Samuel L. Jackson. But can Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob handle The Hoff? Listen to Now Playing’s review to find out!
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