
In the blink of an eye, the terror begins.

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Movie Details

Individual Movie Reviews
Tobe Hooper
1 h 42 min
Release Date
21 June 1985
Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
A space shuttle mission investigating Halley's Comet brings back a malevolent race of space vampires who transform most of London's population into zombies. The only survivor of the expedition and British authorities attempt to capture a mysterious but beautiful alien woman who appears responsible.
Podcast Release Date:
Aug 15, 2013

She’s heeeere!

Tobe Hooper was riding high from the success of Poltergeist when he signed a three picture deal with Cannon Films.  Then came Lifeforce.  It should have been a smash hit–an effects heavy event film from the director of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and the writer of Alien.  Instead it was a notorious flop that would begin Cannon Films’ bankruptcy and hamstring production of Superman IV.  How did such a bomb get made, and is the film really that bad?  As a donor you can listen and find out!

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