Lethal Weapon

If these two can learn to stand each other... the bad guys don't stand a chance.

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Podcast Release Date:
May 17, 2019

Lethal Weapon Series Episode 1

When Murtaugh Met Riggs…

Are you crazy!? Do you really wanna jump into the Lethal Weapon series? Well that’s fine with Arnie, Jakob, and Stuart. Let’s do it!  Donate for Platinum Level and hear these Three Stooges tackle all four installments in the seminal buddy cop franchise!  Is Danny Glover too old to be the partner of suicidal Mel Gibson, and bust Gary Busey’s ring of heroin-dealing ‘Nam vets? And is the unhinged Aussie onto something about LA gridlock when he decides it’s faster to leave the squad car on the freeway and pursue on foot? Enlist with Now Playing and find out!

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Movie Details

Lethal Weapon
Richard Donner
1 h 50 min
Release Date
6 March 1987
Adventure, Action, Comedy, Thriller, Crime
Veteran buttoned-down LAPD detective Roger Murtaugh is partnered with unhinged cop Martin Riggs, who -- distraught after his wife's death -- has a death wish and takes unnecessary risks with criminals at every turn. The odd couple embark on their first homicide investigation as partners, involving a young woman known to Murtaugh with ties to a drug and prostitution ring.

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