Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (aka Lawnmower Man 2: Jobe’s War)

God made him simple. Science made him a god. Now, he wants revenge.

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Podcast Release Date:
May 20, 2014

Lawnmower Man Series Episode 2

The VR will be with you, always.

Stephen King sued to get his name removed from New Line Cinema’s film The Lawnmower Man. Then stars Jeff Fahey and Pierce Brosnan moved on to other projects as well. Even director Brett Leonard had other films to make. So why did New Line insist on making a follow-up to the cyber-sexy horror film? And could there be more on-the-nose casting than Matt Frewer, TV’s Max Headroom, to play virtual reality computer god Jobe Smith? Jack in, and listen to Arnie, Jakob, and Stuart’s review to find out!

Explicit: This is an uncensored podcast which may contain strong language and adult content that is not appropriate for all ages.

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Movie Details

Stephen King
Lawnmower Man
Farhad Mann
1 h 32 min
Release Date
12 January 1996
Science Fiction
Jobe is resuscitated by Jonathan Walker. He wants Jobe to create a special computer chip that would connect all the computers in the world into one network, which Walker would control and use. But what Walker doesn't realize is a group of teenage hackers are on to him and out to stop his plan.

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