Jonah Hex

Revenge gets ugly.

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Podcast Release Date:
Mar 12, 2013

DC Heroes Series Episode 3

Who had dirt on Brolin and Malkovich to make this happen?

When a terrorist plans to destroy Washington D.C. the only hope for the United States is a confederate soldier with a scar on his face and a chip on his shoulder–Jonah Hex. A strange steampunk western based on the DC Comics character, Jonah Hex failed to find an audience despite A-list stars Josh Brolin and John Malkovich. Is this possibly an overlooked gem, or could it really be as bad as world-of-mouth indicates? Listen to Now Playing and find out!

Explicit: This is an uncensored podcast which may contain strong language and adult content that is not appropriate for all ages.

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Movie Details

DC Comics Series
Comic Book Movies
DC Heroes
Jimmy Hayward
1 h 21 min
Release Date
18 June 2010
Action, Western, Drama, Fantasy, Thriller
Gunslinger Jonah Hex is appointed by President Ulysses Grant to track down terrorist Quentin Turnbull, a former Confederate officer determined on unleashing hell on earth. Jonah not only secures freedom by accepting this task, he also gets revenge on the man who slayed his wife and child.

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