Independence Day

Don't make plans for August.

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Movie Details

Independence Day
Roland Emmerich
2 h 25 min
Release Date
25 June 1996
Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
On July 2, a giant alien mothership enters orbit around Earth and deploys several dozen saucer-shaped 'destroyer' spacecraft that quickly lay waste to major cities around the planet. On July 3, the United States conducts a coordinated counterattack that fails. On July 4, a plan is devised to gain access to the interior of the alien mothership in space, in order to plant a nuclear missile.
Podcast Release Date:
Jun 24, 2016

Independence Day Series Episode 1

Today we celebrate our independent podcast!

In 1996 Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin blew up the Earth, and the box office, with their Independence Day.  The movie became a ’90s icon and launched Will Smith’s acting career into orbit. Now, 20 years later, Independence Day returned to theaters as part of a double feature with its new sequel Resurgence.  How well did this original movie age? You can join Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob to find out if you donate and help celebrate our independent podcast!

Explicit: This is an uncensored podcast which may contain strong language and adult content that is not appropriate for all ages.

This podcast is not available for general download. It was made as a “thank you” reward for supporters of Now Playing Podcast.

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