Angel Heart

Harry Angel has been hired in search for the truth. Pray he doesn't find it.

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Movie Details

Individual Movie Reviews
Patron Exclusives
Alan Parker
1 h 53 min
Release Date
6 March 1987
Horror, Mystery
New York private detective Harry Angel is hired by the mysterious Louis Cyphre to find a missing person. His routine failure soon leads to a bloody spar with himself, as he goes on a supernatural journey into his own soul.
Podcast Release Date:
Oct 06, 2023

Patron Exclusive Review Episode 85

The Maltese Chicken

Detective Mickey Rourke links the disappearance of a jazz singer to a string of New Orleans voodoo murders in Alan Parker’s 1987 horror-noir Angel Heart. Should the private dick tell his sinister employer Robert DeNiro to keep his money, and quit the case before he goes down for these hellacious crimes?  And can Cosby kid Lisa Bonet actually teach the star of 9 1⁄2 Weeks a  thing or two about kinky sex? You won’t have to sell your soul to hear Stuart, Arnie, and Jakob sing about this cult film. Just become a Now Playing Patron this October and Listen Today!

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