Ace Attorney


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Movie Details

Video Game Series
Takashi Miike
2 h 15 min
Release Date
11 February 2012
Crime, Mystery, Drama, Thriller, Comedy
Based primarily on the first game in the series, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, the film focuses on rookie defense attorney Phoenix Wright, as he strives to protect his clients in various murder trials, including the death of his mentor, Mia Fey, and the accusation of rival prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth. Phoenix's greatest ally is Mia's younger sister Maya, a spirit medium whose body is posessed by Mia to communicate with him.
Podcast Release Date:
Mar 15, 2022

Video Game Series

How To Get Away With Murder… and get Jammin’ Ninja Super Cake

Yakuza director Takashi Miike tries his hand at a different type of video game adaptation by bringing Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright to the big screen. Can the rookie lawyer find the guilty parties in three interlocking murder trials simply by cross-examining parrots and debunking photographic evidence of lake monsters?  And will the fashion police level charges against all those gravity-defying hairdos on display in the courtroom?  Find out if Justin, Stuart, and Arnie offer objections to the latest entry in the Now Playing Arcade when you Listen Today!

Explicit: This is an uncensored podcast which may contain strong language and adult content that is not appropriate for all ages.

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