They proved the Vegas Blackjack System was beatable...by beating the hell out of it.

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Movie Details

Individual Movie Reviews
Robert Luketic
2 h 03 min
Release Date
27 March 2008
Drama, Crime
Ben Campbell is a young, highly intelligent, student at M.I.T. in Boston who strives to succeed. Wanting a scholarship to transfer to Harvard School of Medicine with the desire to become a doctor, Ben learns that he cannot afford the $300,000 for the four to five years of schooling as he comes from a poor, working-class background. But one evening, Ben is introduced by his unorthodox math professor Micky Rosa into a small but secretive club of five. Students Jill, Choi, Kianna, and Fisher, who are being trained by Professor Rosa of the skill of card counting at blackjack.
Podcast Release Date:
Aug 27, 2008


Kevin Spacey stars in 21, a based-on-a-true-story drama about MIT students who used their advanced math skills to win big in Blackjack. Is the movie a natural, or does it bust? Listen to our review of the 21 DVD to find out!

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