Thanks for Your Donation to Now Playing Podcast!
It may take up to 2 business days to receive your links, so please be patient.
Also please check your spam folder regularly.
We process all payments by hand, so please be patient as we get your links to you. We usually process payments multiple times per weekday, but on occasion it may take a bit longer. If you do not have the links to your podcasts within 2 business days please e-mail us at
Answers to other Frequently Asked Questions are below, and you can find more on our donation page.
Do I have to have the download e-mails sent to the same e-mail address I use for Paypal?
No. You can e-mail us at and include a forward of your Paypal donation receipt e-mail for your donation and the e-mail address at which you would like to receive the download notices. It may take up to two business days to process the change, so we suggest you monitor your Paypal e-mail initially, but we will then change the mailing address by hand.
How will I receive the bonus podcasts?
After your donation is processed (which is a manual process and may take up to two days) you will receive an e-mail with download instructions specific to you. A variety of download methods are made available. Be sure to finish enrollment in the newsletter to ensure you receive future updates as bonus podcasts are released.
It’s been two days and I still don’t have an e-mail! What do I do?
First and foremost please check your spam filter in your e-mail. 99% of unreceived e-mails were put in a spam folder by your e-mail client. If you’ve checked your e-mail and still cannot find it please e-mail us at Do I need a computer to download the podcasts, or can I get them right from my phone/tablet?
This depends very much on the mobile device you use. Android and Windows devices allow downloading from links and storing on your local device. Apple’s native iOS Podcast app also allows subscriptions to custom feeds. iOS (Apple) instructions are provided to donors. So I suggest researching the capabilities of your specific device if you do not have a computer. All devices can stream our donation podcasts, the only limitation may be downloading for off-line listening and automatic downloading of new shows.
I donated for Gold or Silver, but not Platinum. Can I donate the difference again to get all the Platinum level reviews?
Yes, but we ask that you please donate in one swoop. Paypal takes a per-transaction cut of every donation, so if you donate twice Paypal takes twice as much, so if you add an extra dollar to help cover the fees it is appreciated. Additionally, if you donate to add to a previous donation please e-mail us to tell us to add the donations. We process all donations by hand and without this e-mail we may not realize we need to add the two donations together. Due to the Paypal fees no more than 2 donations will be added together.
If you have any other questions please e-mail us at